PPI’s Precision Conveyor Design tool is a web based application for conveyor horsepower calculation, selection of pulleys and idlers, and selection of take-up travel length for fixed take-up conveyors up to 1,000 feet long using our Stretch-Rite calculations. Its use is limited to non-regenerative conveyors that don’t exceed 2,000 feet in length and fabric belts with ratings that don’t exceed 1,000 PIW.
We recommend using it on Google Chrome but it is capable of running on other browsers including Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 11 and higher), Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Apple Safari. If you have previously registered for the current Precision Conveyor Design, your existing login credentials will also provide you access to the new program without having to go through the registration process again.
PPI's Stretch-Rite calculations provide the opportunity to use manual (fixed) take-ups on conveyors that are longer than 150'. The Stretch-Rite analysis in the Precision Conveyor Design provides guidance on the selection of travel length and initial belt stringing conditions to achieve proper tension to prevent slip or excessive sag. In many cases, this can be accomplished with our current line of take-up frames. For longer conveyors that require more travel, our new 120" extended take-ups will be required.
To access the program, please click here.
For user information on how to use the Conveyor Design Program, please click here.